Today we talk processed hair and unprocessed hair here.You have to have the best quality here--unprocessed hair. The processed hair doesn't mean it's bad. It might be processed chemical process or sleep process.
Unprocessed hair still has the cuticle intact; it has not been chemically processed. The hair is also usually from a single donor. Each strand of hair faces the same direction, not causing tangling. The hair would also be considered remy hair, also known as “cuticle hair.”
The advantage of unprocessed hair is that if you want to color the hair, you can get a great match to your own. With unprocessed hair, you also get a better color application, as the stylist can see the original tones in the hair and which tones it pulls.
Another advantage is that unprocessed hair lasts longer than processed hair; this way, you get a greater value, as it’s not damaged hair. The hair is soft and more manageable after you wash it as it’s not usually coated in silicone.
Unprocessed hair is a greater investment than processed hair, but worth the cost.
Remember, unprocessed hair is harder to source, so it is in limited quantities, and it is indubitably more expensive than processed hair.
Processed hair is…well, processed. Processed hair has been chemically treated during production to make it appear a certain way. Processed hair is soaked in a highly acidic bath to strip it of its cuticles and basically remove all of the natural characteristics of the strands.
Processed hair has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of processed hair is that once the cuticles have been removed, the hair can be colored and treated in any way to look however the manufacture wants it. Usually, processed hair is coated in silicone after treatments to replenish the appearance and boost its shine.
however, that the manufactures we carry, who offer unprocessed hair and processed hair, have really started to slow the processing down and use a slow-bleach method to not damage the hair as much as before.For more information on virgin hair and Wigs,. We look forward to serving you!
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